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Will the Foundation of smart cities enhance the outlook of Technology?

Cities serve as symbols of empowerment by bringing people together for activities such as employment, socializing, education, and daily living. Many have long discussed cities’ possibility to further energize their citizens by becoming smarter, more efficient, and more sustainable.


This debate is starting to take shape around the world, with initiatives that are beginning to live up to their full potential in terms of what a smart city is and how it can enhance the quality of life for its residents.


What else is required for a smart city except for technology?


Such initiatives go far beyond merely providing universal connectivity or access to information about public services like transport. Public services are digitally transformed by smart city efforts, radically changing how the built environment is created and administered and how we interact with and live in these places.


However, the concept of the "smart city" as a whole goes beyond technology. To address problems for people, smart cities must also think more intelligently. When designing and using public areas to make them more livable and modern while integrating technology rather than slapping it on top, smart cities need to address issues like how to improve road networks and transportation infrastructure.


While huge technology corporations frequently make headlines when it comes to smart cities, designing and implementing a successful effort involves much more than technical expertise.


For instance, the heat island impact that is warming our cities is one of the most important challenges that smart city design must address. The heat island effect, caused by the Sun's radiation absorbed by urbanized areas, can substantially impact temperature, pollution levels, atypical weather patterns, and human health.


The built environment is putting new strategies into practice to resist this effect, such as the adoption of new materials - such as heat-reflecting roofs and road surfaces - or the expansion of green spaces, in particular the number of trees. Thus, these types of benefits positively influence the Global Smart Cities Engineering Construction Services Market. In addition, according to a research report by Astute Analytica, the Global Smart Cities Engineering Construction Services Market growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.5% over the projection period from 2022 to 2030.


What are the difficulties in building smart cities?


Since people only reuse 9% of the world's resources, building smart cities sustainably is one of the most significant challenges they face today. Closing this gap would have a serious and long-lasting impact on how we affect the environment, but doing so requires much more than cutting-edge technology.


A bold plan and creative execution are needed to create cities that can handle the rapid urbanization they are experiencing. Engineering issues, not technology issues, include issues with urban heat islands, waste management, air quality, and using a cyclical economy to manage resources. Although not every local authority can afford the luxury of a Chief Digital Officer, this need not be a hindrance to their planning or ambition.

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